In this section you will find the frequently asked questions submitted by our students and teachers.

Can I get FREE singing lessons?
The A2Z Smart Music Group is dedicated to providing music education to everyone, even those on a budget.   Below please find a list of our free singin...
Fri, 8 May, 2015 at 4:51 PM
How do I log in to the A2Z Smart Music Academy?
To log in to the A2Z Smart Music Academy visit this link: https://www.a2z-smart-music.com/academy/login/ You will be required to enter your...
Fri, 8 May, 2015 at 5:37 PM
I want to learn how to sing...where do I start?
The A2Z Smart Music Group has many options for both beginning singers and pros.  If you are just getting started the first thing you need to do is determine...
Fri, 8 May, 2015 at 5:37 PM
Where can I find a Vocal Coach for Private Lessons?
The A2Z Smart Music Group has a vocal coach directory that is free to search for everyone!  Visit http://vocal-coaches.com to find a coach in your area. ...
Fri, 8 May, 2015 at 5:33 PM
What is the SingSMART, Not Hard Vocal Training Method and How is it Different?
What is the SingSMART, Not Hard TM  Vocal Training Method and How is it Different?   The SingSMART™ Vocal Training Method teaches singers to use, ma...
Wed, 20 May, 2015 at 1:50 PM